Animal Insticts - How to wear 4 different leopard looks!

Animal Instincts - Leopard x4

Head stylist at Zampera styles leopard print in 4 different looks.

Look 1 - Dress it up with Leopard Rainbow
Wear Equality tee by JAGGAD with Peach Blossom Animal Print Jeans by Bianco Jeans. Add black Elvio Zanon boots (available in store only) and black Once Was Goldsmith Leather Biker jacket.

Look 2 - Leopard with Sass!
Wear Mossman Strike Again wrap dress with black Elvio Zanon boots and LTB Denim jacket (available in store only).

Look 3 - Comfy Casual
Wear Zampera Leopard satin slip skirt with red Lounge the Label Montana knit and white D.O.F Belmont sneakers.

Look 4 - Walk this way Cutie
Wear Cartel & Willow Bronx Sage Leopard Dress with white D.O.F Belmont sneakers. Add LTB Denim jacket.

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